Student Services » Guidance Services

Guidance Services

Each elementary school has a guidance counselor to address developmental needs in the building. The junior high school and senior high school each have three guidance counselors.

At the elementary level, counselors monitor educational development, coordinate the PSSA administration, and at the second grade level, coordinate a group-administered, standardized assessment of cognitive ability and achievement.


Addressing careers and work at the elementary school, from a developmental perspective, takes the form of career awareness activities and career exploration activities. Guidance counselors present guidance curriculum and utilize outside agencies to address topics such as internet use, bullying, as well as child and sexual abuse.

Junior and senior high school counselors monitor educational development through the Academic Resource Team.  There is a greater emphasis at the junior and senior high schools regarding preparation for work.  In addition, both the junior and senior high schools peer relationships, bullying, internet use and victimization issues are managed through the guidance department using classroom meetings and outside agency programs. Drug and alcohol issues take a more prominent position in guidance education. The 40 Developmental Assets are emphasized at the secondary level.

Student Assistance Teams meet weekly at both the junior and senior high schools. These teams review social and emotional developmental concerns for students as well as issues of alcohol and other drugs.