Health Services
School health services are provided by full-time, certified school nurses in each school building. Mandated screenings (vision screenings, hearing screenings, body mass index screenings) are conducted as well as athletic physicals. The school nurses also monitor immunizations, and review student health histories yearly. Nurses are available throughout the day to address student illnesses and injuries, and administer oral medications as ordered by a family physician. Specific health plans are developed for students with more significant health concerns.
Nurses participate in their respective building's Academic Resource Team and are an integral part of the Student Assistance Team. Student Assistance Teams meet weekly at all schools, and these teams review social and emotional developmental concerns for students as well as issues of alcohol and other drugs.
Our school nurses also assist in helping students understand individual health problems as they relate to specific children of fragile health. School nurses also guide students in learning about healthy living, instruct students regarding good hygiene, and monitor flu outbreaks.
Nurses participate in their respective building's Academic Resource Team and are an integral part of the Student Assistance Team. Student Assistance Teams meet weekly at all schools, and these teams review social and emotional developmental concerns for students as well as issues of alcohol and other drugs.
Our school nurses also assist in helping students understand individual health problems as they relate to specific children of fragile health. School nurses also guide students in learning about healthy living, instruct students regarding good hygiene, and monitor flu outbreaks.
Student Health Forms
Immunization Requirements In Pennsylvania